The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence Spiritual leader, Baba Ram Dass, wason a ten-day silent retreat. He had a roommate, someone he didn’t know, who neatly folded the corners of his bedsheets every day and laid out his clothes. RamDass didn’t tidy up anything, he felt like a slob and...

Falling Flat on Your Ass

As beautiful as it is to watch, some aspects of the ballet are brutal and unforgiving. Losing a coveted role to someone else. Beinghungry and eating as little as possible to maintain a slender body. Touring across the United States for ten weeks of one night stand...


When you say“yes” to others, make sure you’re not saying “no” to yourself. – – – Paul Coelho There’s a popular misconception that saying “yes” is spiritual and saying “No” is not. But it’s a far more complex issue. Granted, there are times when...