Chop Wood, Carry Water

Chop Wood, Carry Water

CHOP WOOD,CARRY WATER “Do you like to cook?” I asked one of my writingclients a couple of months ago. “No,” she said. “The last time I cooked was in1975.” That didn’t seem to bother her a bit. But it bothers me that I don’t enjoy the dicing and chopping it takes...


HOW CATS HEAL I was relaxing in bed a few evenings ago, watching a mindless TV series, when I heard a thundering bang. It sounded like a metal statue or a huge book case had fallen just outside my bedroom door. My cat, Star, let out a terrible cry and I jumped up see...
Leave Yourself Alone

Leave Yourself Alone

Leave Yourself Alone At the onset of the AIDS epidemic in the nineteen eighties, I received a card from death and dyingadvocate, Ondrea Levine. On the front, it says, “Treasure Yourself.” Inside it says, “Love is the optimum strategy for healing.” I know this, I’ve...
The Life of Inanimate Objects

The Life of Inanimate Objects

THE LIFE OF INANIMATE OBJECTS When the Covid pandemic struck and we were directed to shelter in place, after the initial shock wore off and I accepted the fact that I was going to be alone in my house for an extended period of time, I started organizing piles of...
Write Me A Poem

Write Me A Poem

Write Me A Poem I was scanning a bookshelf in my house, deciding what tokeep and what to give away, when I spotted three diaries tucked between a pair of deco bronze bookends of nude women reading. The diaries were old, the bindings were shredded and the Chinese brush...